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Protect Access to Plant Medicine Services

One aspect of our mission is to educate our local lawmakers about the benefits of plant medicine, the necessity of destigmatization through decriminalization, and the importance of keeping facilitation services affordable and innovative

Sign Our Petition to Protect AccessSecond Petition to the Ballot Initiative CommitteeOppose National Monopolization of Psychedelics

Liberate Plant Medicine in New Haven (CT)

Please use this tool only if you have a New Haven address to contact the Board of Alders to help our coalition with New England Veterans for Plant Medicine end arrets for growing and sharing psilocybin and related plant medicines in this global mecca of research, advocacy, and neuroscience

Sign Our Petition for New Haven

Collaborate With Us

At Bay Staters, grassroots innovation is at the heart of everything we do. If you have a skill to contribute or idea you want to spearhead, we are here to support your efforts and connect you with like-minded people. Reach out, and we will connect with you

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